Self Fulfilling Prophecyr


I haven’t posted since my health began to go south. When I last posted my diagnosis was still PLS, a less aggressive form of ALS and that was 2 years ago. shortly after the release of my novel Piercing Through the doctors’ were convinced that the new symptoms I was showing were more like Parkinson’s Disease.

Since then I’ve had to concentrate on finding out ways to live with this condition. Coming soon I’ll be undergoing brain surgery, a procedure known as Deep Brain Stimulation   

The procedure involves drilling holes in your skull to access the brain. Is it any coincedencce I’m in a similar situation as the main character of my novel. Kelly Sage suffered from disease, the emotional disease of abuse and loneliness.

Kelly was drawn towards the darker side of the piercing culture and came across a theory that extreme piercing leads to  something magical, a panacea of cures for her emotional distress. What she finds, instead, shocks her to the core.

Kelly discovers, after convincing mher best friend to drill holes in her head, that she has unleashed dark  malevolent beings.  Beasts so malicious that they may spare her  flesh but they most certainly will devour her soul.

Tomorrow I will be getting the drill treatment. Did I envision this fate through the actions of my main character? Did I create Kelly to serve as a warning that I, also, would be having my own encounter with trepaning?

The parallels are a little disturbing. I’ll be fine, really. Unless I wake from the anesthesia to see dead surgeons and two wraithlike demons with static eyes hovering above the operating table, descending slowly closer.

Second Book Blues

With getting that first book under my belt it is now time to concentrate on my second book. I always thought the first book would be the unattainable part of the equation, but not so in my case. I’m beginning to believe, in my case at least, that a second novel is near impossible.

Lots of reason factor into this personal assessment, some professional, others personal. On a professional level I’ve learned the hard way not to procrastinate. Instead of enjoying my free time between the time my first novel was accepted and the actual publishing, I could have been scraping away at the next project.

Now I’m in the scenario of trying to work on a new book while trying to drum up enough sales from my debut for my publisher to see merit in publishing my next work. After all, I’m sure they’d like to see a profit from my work.

However, the greatest challenge I’m having is on a personal level. I’m not going to turn this post into a pity party, just stating the facts. A year and a half ago I was diagnosed with a rare neuro muscular disease called Primary Lateral Sclerosis,which is in the same family as ALS, only with a slower progression. I posted about it here if you want to read up on the disease.

Primary Lateral Sclerosis

I had a good year and a half with minimal symptoms but since last month the progression is ramping up. My fine motor skills are shutting down, making my ability to sit at the computer more than ten minutes torturous. Not to mention the coming on and off of prescription medication messing with my brain chemistry (that’s another post all its own).

But hey, I said no pity party. If I have to write the next book, Dark Ink, Black Holes in ten minute intervals, so be it. I’ll give it my best shot and if I fall short, I can live with the fact that I tried my best to beat the second book blues.


Another Giveaway

I just started another Amazon giveaway for a kindle version of my debut novel, Piercing Through. Simply click on the link and follow my author page to qualify for a chance to win. Piercing Through Giveaway.

Here’s what one reviewer had to say:

Piercing Through is a fast paced book that dives right in from the get go, and continues at breakneck speed. It is a tale of the cultures of tattooing and piercing, disparate yet interconnected, as told from the perspective of two protagonists. Fanucchi blends horror and whimsy, taking the reader into the darkness of black magic and the macabre, while interjecting lighthearted observations (William’s “I’d Rather be Waterboarding” T-shirt, Adonai’s Attesters, etc.) in a novel that contains mysticism, love, horror, enchantment and teen angst all in one tome.

This is a first novel for Fanucchi, and is left wide open for a sequel. What is the meaning of the Adonai art? What became of Chung and Vandermeer? There are several directions he could go with the next book, or he could just leave it up to the reader to explore. Regardless, I look forward to his next offering.  

Review by Eric W.

Piercing Through Giveaway

Free Digital Copies Available

I have twenty digital copies of Piercing Through to give away in exchange for an honest customer review on Amazon. If you are a book reviewer you can also use it for your column or website as well.

E-mail me at The first twenty to respond get a copy. Please put “Free Copy” in the subject header and if you post a review on Amazon be sure to note that you received a free copy of Piercing Through in exchange for an honest review.

Here are just a few of the reviews so far:

“I really enjoyed this book. Ink and piercings meet black magic. Great combination. I can relate to Kelly.Excellent!!”    Renee G, Reviewer

 “A creepy thrill ride that will change how you see horror!”
Christopher H, Educator

See all the reviews at this site:

Caliburn Press Review Site



What People Are Saying

It’s been a little over 2 weeks since the release of my debut novel, Piercing Through. The reviews have started to trickle in. My publisher keeps track of all reviews on a website. Here’s the link to the Piercing Through reviews page.

Piercing Through reviews

Remember, I have a amazon gift card to give away after I reach 20 reviews so keep them coming in. Details here.

Thanks for all the support so far.


Amazon Giveaway

I just started an Amazon giveaway for a kindle version of my debut novel, Piercing Through. Simply click on the link and follow my author page to qualify for a chance to win. Piercing Through Giveaway.

Don’t forget about my other contest with an Amazon $50 gift card up for grabs. Details on this link: Contest



Interviewed By Dark Gothic Resurrected Magazine

Many thanks to Cinsearae S., owner of Dark Gothic Resurrected Magazine, for granting me this interview.

Dark Gothic Resurrected Magazine 

1. Greetings Robbie, so great to have you with us! Can you tell the readers a little bit about you? I live in Portland, Oregon with my wife Rebecca Irene Fanucchi and daughter Bailey Paige Fanucchi. I divide my time between family and writing. I have written 3 dark picture books, short stories and a young adult novel. Two of my short stories have been published in anthologies. My young adult horror novel Piercing Through was recently picked up for publication by Caliburn Press. So far, I’ve had no success in the tough picture book market. If any publishers out there would be interested in dark themed picture books I have three ready: a zombie tale, a vampire story and one about an egotistical boy who loses his head. So far I’ve had no takers. But I’m still hopeful that dark picture books will be a new genre someday.

2. What first sparked your interest in writing horror? The religion I was born into preaches Armageddon and destruction regularly. From an early age I was exposed to their publications which featured illustrations of cities collapsing, fire shooting from the sky, the earth opening up and swallowing people, etcetera. At first they terrified me but I eventually made peace with it. Then I read Lord of the Rings when I was 12 and enjoyed the classic tale of good versus evil. From that point it was a gradual descent into the great horror of the early eighties; Stephen King, Robert McCammon, Dan Simmons and many others who made that decade the glory years of the horror genre. But when Clive Barker exploded onto the scene with his Books of Blood I knew I had found my favorite author. His writing has influenced much of my writing. In fact, after a friend read the first draft of my novel Piercing Through he said it reminded him of Hellraiser. It was then I realized that I had unintentionally written what could be perceived as a tribute to Barker’s film.
3. Tell us about your novel, PIERCING THROUGH. What was your inspiration for it? My young adult novel Piercing Through takes place in Portland, Oregon, where the tattooing and piercing cultures have become inseparable. Kelly Sage and William Hendricks are two among a handful of individuals who oppose this. Kelly and William are unlikely friends brought together by a shared passion for their respective pursuits. Both strongly believe tattoos and piercing should be their own subcultures, not the blended single entity they’ve become in modern society.

Kelly Sage, a piercing purist, finds comfort in adorning her body with studs, barbs, snakebites and much more in response to her mother’s premature death and the emotional abuse that followed from her stepfather. Kelly becomes interested in a phenomenon involving the use of extreme piercing in an attempt to access other dimensions. Her hope is to escape into a world free from the pain that torments her adolescent life.

On the other hand, William Hendricks, a tattoo enthusiast, is repulsed by anything linked to piercing. He is horrified upon learning of Kelly’s desire. When Kelly’s pursuit of other worlds releases a pair of pierced wraiths, William knows the only thing that can save her are the black magic tattoos covering his body. But there is one problem. He doesn’t know how to unlock their dormant power.

Piercing Through started as a short story I wrote as far back as the mid-nineties. The premise was pretty much the same, except for the sub-plot of the tattooing versus piercing issue. That I worked into the novel after moving to Portland, Oregon. Portland, in my opinion, epitomizes what’s happening across the nation. People everywhere are getting pierced or tatted or both. It’s become so prevalent that it no longer represents the underground. The piercing and tattoo cultures used to represent subversive attitudes and rebellion. Now every other soccer mom or business man sports a tat or body piercing.
4. When not writing, what things do you like to do in your spare time? Any special hobbies or interests? Like all writers, I read a lot. I know; boring. My other interests are equally as unimpressive. In fact my life is quite simple: Spend time with my wife and daughter, read and write. I do a lot of binge watching television. There are so many good shows on. I think we are in the golden age of TV; everything from The Walking Dead to American Horror Story. I rarely go to the movies anymore. There’s much better offerings from the boob tube.
5. What do you find to be the easiest and hardest aspects of writing? The easiest part is writing while inspired. There are times when the path of my subconscious seems connected to the computer and words and ideas flow freely. But more often than not I’m not in the zone and I feel like I’m struggling with each word. That’s the toughest part of the writing process. You’ve probably heard before that if you write only when inspired you’re an amateur. Pros stick to it and get it done even when it’s a struggle. They say “Genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration”.
6. And my favorite question I ask nearly everyone—there’s a zombie coming towards you…do you kill it or befriend it (and why)? I like Clive Barker’s view of monsters, that they are complex like we are and some are even more human than us. So I guess it would depend on the temperament and behavior of that particular zombie. However, I’ve never known a zombie to turn away from devouring a delicious brain, and the fact that I’d like to keep my brain would force my hand. I’d have to kill it.
7. Where can the readers find you on the internet? My main internet presence is my blog/website. Website.

I also have the obligatory Facebook page at

You can also get the latest news on my works on my Amazon author profile.
Thank you , R.J.!

Purchase Piercing Through on Amazon:

Piercing Through (Kindle format)

Piercing Through (Print edition)


Piercing Through Now Available

Piercing Through is available now through Amazon. To help with publicity I have a little contest to throw your way. I have a $50 Amazon gift card up for grabs. All you need to do is purchase Piercing Through via Amazon (has to be an Amazon purchase, either Kindle or print format).

Then simply write a quick review, after reading it, of course. Leave your email address and link to your review in the comment box below. The contest will stay open until I reach 20 reviews. The first 20 reviews will be entered in a random drawing for the $50 gift card.

Click the link below to go to the Piercing Through page. Happy reading and good luck.


Piercing Through (Kindle format)

Piercing Through (Print edition)


Piercing Through Update

My horror novel Piercing Through is in the final stages before publishing. I approved the Author’s Proof Copy the other day so now I just wait for Caliburn Press to give me a firm release date and then it’s off to the races.

The closer it gets to release date I’ll be announcing a contest based on your reviews of Piercing Through. Details to follow.

Here’s the front and back cover just so you can get a taste of what the book is all about.


R. J. Fanucchi’s Website