Second Book Blues

With getting that first book under my belt it is now time to concentrate on my second book. I always thought the first book would be the unattainable part of the equation, but not so in my case. I’m beginning to believe, in my case at least, that a second novel is near impossible.

Lots of reason factor into this personal assessment, some professional, others personal. On a professional level I’ve learned the hard way not to procrastinate. Instead of enjoying my free time between the time my first novel was accepted and the actual publishing, I could have been scraping away at the next project.

Now I’m in the scenario of trying to work on a new book while trying to drum up enough sales from my debut for my publisher to see merit in publishing my next work. After all, I’m sure they’d like to see a profit from my work.

However, the greatest challenge I’m having is on a personal level. I’m not going to turn this post into a pity party, just stating the facts. A year and a half ago I was diagnosed with a rare neuro muscular disease called Primary Lateral Sclerosis,which is in the same family as ALS, only with a slower progression. I posted about it here if you want to read up on the disease.

Primary Lateral Sclerosis

I had a good year and a half with minimal symptoms but since last month the progression is ramping up. My fine motor skills are shutting down, making my ability to sit at the computer more than ten minutes torturous. Not to mention the coming on and off of prescription medication messing with my brain chemistry (that’s another post all its own).

But hey, I said no pity party. If I have to write the next book, Dark Ink, Black Holes in ten minute intervals, so be it. I’ll give it my best shot and if I fall short, I can live with the fact that I tried my best to beat the second book blues.


5 thoughts on “Second Book Blues

  1. Damn!! I’m so sorry you’re facing these physical challenges. My husband uses dragon dictation in his law practice. It takes getting used to, but it’s doable. Your brain is alive and well; have faith in your talent. God Bless!


  2. I’ll be thinking about you, and saying a few prayers too. My spouse says dragon is worth the effort to learn. He uses it all the time now in his law practice; you do need to proof read though, or you get some surprises.

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